Here’s what our PARENTS are saying about Holy Family School:
- “Holy Family School offers outstanding academic programs and teachers. High expectations are put upon the students along with excellent support of the students so that they can meet those expectations and goals.”
- “Staff and teachers are very approachable, welcoming and show genuine interest and care for my children's development and learning. Everyone embodies the spirit of a holy family.”
- “Faith and community. The small campus has created a tight-knit community for the students, teachers and parents which we really enjoy. HFS has done an exceptional job at making us feel welcome and making it much easier for us to trust them with helping us prepare our daughter for a successful future. ”
Here’s what our STUDENTS are saying about Holy Family School:
- “At this school, I love the people. I have been here since Kindergarten and everyone is so caring and loving.”
- “I appreciate that HFS is a very diverse school. Students of different backgrounds feel welcome here.”
- “I like how most of the kids are very tight-knit and are always there for each other.”
Here’s what our STAFF is saying about Holy Family School:
- “HFS is a welcoming community, building a safer environment and graduates go to top schools.”
- “Our students learn to confidently speak to large groups. We have high expectations for our students.”
- “While the community has always been a strength of HFS, I really feel that the current strength of HFS is the positive tone set by our administration and the current vision for the school. The feeling at HFS is one of hopeful optimism. As a staff member, I feel very happy to work here. I feel recognized in my efforts and that my input is heard and taken into consideration.”